July 08, 2017 at 11:23AM

Reddit scan:The Bodgery Makerspace is celebrating 3 years since we opened our doors, and it's time for a party. It'll be held on July 15 at 3pm. It's at 4444 Robertson Rd in Madison.What's a makerspace? It's a collaborative home where people bring their tools together to make stuff. We have a full woodshop, welders, 3d printers, laser cutters, a brand new industrial sewing machine, and a host of other toolsThis year, we'll have an electronics teardown. Were you the kind of kid who liked taking apart random household items? Do you have a kid like that? Were you not a kid like that, but now wish you were? We'll have a table full of stuff to take apart, and some screwdrivers, and let you and your kids figure out the rest.Elsewhere, there will be demos of laser cutting, 3d printing, and CNC. There's rumors of electric longboards and power wheels racers, but I wouldn't know anything about that.We'll also have the grill fired up, with brats and hot dogs for sale. http://ift.tt/2tTuTx8 by Towson Makerspace
