July 14, 2017 at 05:19PM

Reddit scan:I'm working to update and repair the shop on the property we got last year with high hopes of creating a makerspace/shop club in central Alabama. I've raised $255.00 on gofundme http://ift.tt/2tSdNi9 And am hoping to get more. the money raised so far is enough to fix the door and possibly get a rolling tool cart.I still need to fix drainage around the shop (currently floods) and continue hauling the previous owners garbage out for salvage/trash it's just me working on the project for now, but I've gotten a few sewing machines, and lots of screwdrivers, wrenches, some routers, and quite a few other tools over the years. there's a lot to do and I'm trying to expedite the process and get closer to the makerspace/shop club goal. I originally started this campaign with the idea that I might get a nicer 3D printer to make the shop a bit more modern and inviting to people in the area. I never believed I'd get so far on my own and was amazed I raised any money at all. I'm a frequent contributor to Instructables and a fixer of most anything brought into the shop. I make stuff for friends and family and hope to inspire them to build and repair as well. I know it's a long shot, but I never believed I'd get half as far as I have. I'm organizing and repairing a tiny bit at a time as budget allows, and have a small savings account dedicated to only the shop. I'm not worried if I don't make much more for this, I'll keep working on it no matter what. Thanks for reading! http://ift.tt/2toUjhE by Towson Makerspace
