April 22, 2017 at 05:40PM

Reddit scan:Just curious if anyone is aware of or has done any sort of multi-user lab environment?I have access to an industrial space that could probably fit 4-5 full height server racks, maybe more. Plenty of headroom for power and networking.Thinking it might be worthwhile to combine hardware resources and give some space for collaboration and shared projects, etc.Might be a small fee for using the space, power, internet, etc, but that would probably be offset by the savings on your house bill.I'm thinking of clustering any/all hardware into compatible systems, and carving those into either user dedicated or shared sandboxes, giving 24/7 access via VPN, hosting classes or workshops, both for the labbers and maybe community outreach stuff.Currently the space is part of a makerspace/studio that is up and coming, with plans to add things like a robotics lab, 3d printing, etc. So the lab would be in good company and you can branch out into new skills.Halfway between a homelab and an actual (expensive) colo...Probably local only, but just trying to gauge interest on the idea.There may be options for full remote users having access, but I haven't worked that out in my head yet...Edit: located in western Atlanta for the curious. http://ift.tt/2pQyLtW by Towson Makerspace
