June 06, 2017 at 12:38PM

Reddit scan:As some of you may know, we like to run different game events on Friday nights at the downtown library. We have our standard offerings like Hearthstone, League of Legends, and board games, but every once in a while we like to do something a little special.This Friday, we will be breaking out the computers to play Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator. Its basically like a driver's ed simulator, only set in a cooperative game that's part Battlestar Galactica and part Starship Enterprise.Each ship can have a crew of up to six people working together to fend off attacks on allied space stations. Don't worry if you have no idea how to dock a ship; we will get you trained up in no time! (And don't feel to bad if you accidentally warp into a mine field; we've all made that mistake at least once.)Bring your own crew, or sign up for a tour on someone else's ship! We provide everything except color-coded jump suits.Event LinkFriday, June 9, 2017 (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm)Enterprise Square (Downtown)Reply with any questions! http://ift.tt/2qTP0q2 by Towson Makerspace
