May 26, 2017 at 01:45AM

Reddit scan:Backround (skip if you want): I'm 23, I transferred from a community college to my current engineering school, MechE. I have a bad habit of taking on responsibilities and projects I don't have the time to do. I've been working, leading club activities, and co-founded a fledgling community Makerspace with my fellow students.I struggled with a load a lot of you probably might scoff at (and for anyone else, it WAS hard) I was taking 5 classes: thermodynamics, dynamics, and engineering design, as well two chem classes required for my major.I also moved off campus to live with friends in the middle of the semester, to deal with the loneliness of not having friends on campus.Due to some GPA magic, I got a 3.4 for my last semester, which is gone since I failed 3-ish classes this semester. But I managed to get an engineering internship for the summer with the old one, the best opportunity I've ever had. I need to make this work since it could be the chance to feel like this is at all possible.I'm often constantly depressed because I scrape by much of the time. I feel like the students I look up to do the same and more.What I'm doing: Reducing my course load, looking for a (related, fingers crossed) part time job to pay for school, restudying (it hurts) over the summer to nail my classes next time, start seeing a therapist, running and lifting weights to deal with my stress better, and cooking meals in advance to eat healthier and save money. (Written at ~2am)TLDR: I overworked myself, basically burned myself out, I've been set back, and I want to do better. More than advice, I need a little hope, tell me about your experiences? by Towson Makerspace
